
"Que la prudència no ens faci traïdors" (Jordi Carbonell, 1924-2016, polític i filòleg)
"Error és que pensant que pots fer poc, no facis res" (Edmund Burke, 1729-1797, pensador polític britànic)
"Ningú gasta els diners dels altres amb la mateixa cura que gasta els seus propis" (Milton Friedman, 1912-2006, economista nord-americà, Premi Nobel d’Economia)
"Journalism isn’t just about the questions you ask, but the questions you don’t" (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, congressista nord-americana)
"Self-determination is a right, not a crime" (ANC)

diumenge, 27 de gener del 2019

Catalan Voices

La setmana que avui acaba he estat la persona encarregada de gestionar el compte de twitter Catalan Voices, així:

Dilluns 21
* I’m Miquel Saumell from Sarrià (Barcelona). Thanks to the courtesy of CatalanVoices’ team this week I’ll be in charge of this peculiar twitter account. I’ll try to do my best but I regret that my english is not as good as I would like so I beg you pardon for eventual mistakes ;-)

* If you plan to be in Barcelona this week, please take well into account that these days we "enjoy" a new yellow taxis' strike, the second one in six months. Best alternatives are 1/ walking (if at all possible), 2/ TMB, 3/ Cabify & Uber.

Dimarts 22
* Franco died in 1975. Catalan is now official language of Catalonia along with Spanish. Can you imagine that four decades later a police officer does not allow entry to his police station to a lawyer if he does not speak Spanish? This happened once again last week in Girona.

* Some of the 28 member States of the EU (4,5 sq.km for a population of 300 milion) are now discussing their future, and British Brexit (no-one knows how it’ll end) is the best example. However, it's crystal clear that advantages of being in the interior are much more than drawbacks.

Dimecres 23
* There is a big discussion about the use of twitter, and president Trump's activity every morning is a good example of a very bad use. So it's indeed a big mistake to criminalize this interesting networking service as some people erroneously do. The culprit is Trump, not twitter.

* Catalonia has a lot of gastronomic events. Let me recommend you the “Garoinada” (garoines = urchins) in Palafrugell (Empordà). The campaign 2019 has already started, and you will be able to enjoy the urchins until end of march. Enjoy it! More details here.

Dijous 24
* Catalonia has good connections by car. Just over an hour from Barcelona you can practice skiing, you can be in Andorra, you can be in France, you can be in Spain ;-) Photo Zeger Depoorter: the moon and the lighthouse of the Medes Islands, photographed last monday from Pals.

* If I decide to live in Paris, London, Milano, Munich, etc. I know I’ll have to speak french, english, italian, german, etc. No discussion. Why the spanish public servants (judge, police, tax inspector, etc) who decide to leave in Catalonia consider unnecessary to learn catalan?

Divendres 25
* Polítics is complex. Decisions are based not on principles but on interests. 4 the left, Maduro (who destroyed Venezuela and closed the Parliament) is a democrat, and Guaidó, the president of the Parliament democratically elected, is a dictador. 4 the right, just the opposite.

* THE TRIAL against catalan independentists leaders (in jail for more than one year) will start now in Madrid. It’s the most important political/judicial operacion against catalan independence process since Franco’s dead. Here a video from Carles Lladó.

Dissabte 26
* Good morning. Today, towards Sant Antoni de Calonge (Empordanet), 115 km from Sarrià, to share a lunch chez our friends with eight doctors, friends for decades. That’s an excellent way to start the weekend!

* Nine catalans (of which not all have been born in Catalonia, coming from Madrid Menorca Murcia ...) have shared an excel·lent lunch, interesting conversations and big discussions in front of the sea. However, during six hours we did not talk of politics. Indeed very strange! ;-)

Diumenge 27
* Every morning I use to buy a newspaper. La Vanguardia is still a press reference in Catalonia, even if the sales are continuously going down. LV tries to avoid it. Today, for instance, together with LV they offer a porcelain bowl and a liter of broth for a ridiculous price.

Cada piulada anava acompanyada d’una foto, i s’ha generat també algun debat puntual. Ho trobareu tot clicant aqui.